National Provider Identifier (NPI)

Your National Provider Identifier (NPI)

Your National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a 10-digit numeric identifier. Your NPI does not carry information about you as a provider, such as the state where you practice or your specialization.

NPIs replace other health care provider identifiers for HIPAA standard transactions. Those numbers might have included payer-specific IDs and Medicare legacy IDs, such as UPIN, OSCAR, PIN and National Supplier Clearinghouse or NSC.
A provider's NPI will not change and will remain the same regardless of job or location.

If you do not have a number, you can apply for your NPI through CMS.

Using your NPI

All providers must use their NPI number on all claims submissions. Please put your NPI number in the primary provider fields (billing, rendering). 

To assist us in ensuring correct provider selection, you may continue to put your Select Health provider ID number (legacy number) in box 24J on the CMS 1500 and box 51 on the UB-04.

National Provider Identifier (NPI) resources:

To verify that your NPI number is on file with us, call Provider Services at 1-800-741-6605.