Pregnancy Program — Bright Start

Bright Start is a special program for our pregnant members.
When you join Bright Start, a Care Manager will call you and work with you to help you receive and use program services. If your pregnancy is high-risk, a team of nurses and Care Connectors will check in with you often to help you stay connected to care during your pregnancy.
Call 1-888-276-2020 (TTY 1-888-765-9586) or visit the member portal today to join.
What can the Bright Start program do for me?
- Get help choosing a provider who is right for you.
- Get information on prenatal vitamins and eating right during your pregnancy.
- Work with your provider and dentist to help make sure you get care you need. Having healthy teeth and gums is very important during pregnancy.
- Get information and resources to help you have a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby.
Join Bright Start today
To join Bright Start, please call 1-888-276-2020 (TTY 1-888-765-9586).
Or, you can log in to the member portal and go to Enroll in a Special Program.
Keys to Your Care®
Keys to Your Care is a special texting and outreach program for First Choice by Select Health members who are pregnant, brought to you by Bright Start, the First Choice prenatal program.
Keys to Your Care will send you text messages* every week during your pregnancy with appointment reminders, education, and resources. The goal of this program is to help our members have safe, full-term pregnancies and healthy babies by encouraging good prenatal and postpartum care.
Text FCMOM to 85886 to join the Keys to Your Care program.
Join today. Don't have access to texting? Call us at 1-888-276-2020 and ask Bright Start to enroll you in Keys to Your Care.
*Standard messaging and data fees may apply.
Educational materials and resources
- Bright Start Maternity Calendar (PDF)
- Your Guide to an Empowered Pregnancy (PDF)
- Your Guide to Empowered Postpartum Care (PDF)
- Safe to Sleep videos, by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Electric breast pump for new and expectant moms.
First Choice offers an electric breast pump to new and expectant moms with a prescription from their OB/GYN.* Plan members, please contact Aeroflow directly to request an electric breast pump. Aeroflow will verify your eligibility and secure the prescription from your OB/GYN.
- Website:
- Phone: 1-844-867-9890
*Limit one per lifetime.
Home-delivered meals for qualifying new moms
First Choice offers 14 home-delivered, ready-to-eat meals for qualifying new moms after they give birth to their child.*
To qualify:
- New moms have had one call with the Bright Start team with a completed maternity survey and discussed the Meals for Moms benefit during their pregnancy.
- After the child is born, the Bright Start team will work with the qualifying mom to confirm the delivery address and submit the request for the meals. All 14 meals arrive in one shipment.
If someone from Bright Start is unable to reach the member within four weeks after the birth of the child to confirm the delivery address, we will be unable to process the request.
*Applies to babies delivered on or after July 1, 2021.
If you were a part of but no longer want to be in Bright Start, call 1-888-276-2020 (TTY 1-888-765-9586). Leaving the program will not change your benefits. It will also not change the way First Choice or Healthy Connections treats you.